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Pro Bono Hong Kong Seminar – Promoting Opportunities for Ethnic Minorities




With its plethora of restaurants, plush hotels and high-end shopping malls, Hong Kong is known to be a cosmopolitan and diverse place, but this diversity often comes at the price of widespread inequality of both income and opportunity.

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Pro Bono Hong Kong Seminar – Promoting Opportunities for Ethnic Minorities
Pro Bono Hong Kong Seminar – Promoting Opportunities for Ethnic Minorities

Time & Location

2023年6月01日 下午2:00 – 2023年6月02日 下午3:00

Central, Hong Kong

About the Event

The event was chaired by Aaron Chan and Jason Lo, both Associates at DLA Piper in Responsible Business and Employment respectively. They outlined the current law on racial discrimination in the workplace and spoke about ways to prevent discriminatory practices in the recruitment and retention of employees.    We also heard from guest speaker Dennis Wong, Director of Talent and Culture at Rosewood Hong Kong, a luxury hotel that employs many people from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. 

Pro Bono Hong Kong would like to thank DLA Piper for the use of their offices and Bread Bunch who provided a lavish spread of snacks and refreshments. The caterers Bread Bunch are a social enterprise which has a policy of employing people from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as from ethnic minorities.

Pro Bono appreciates the organisation and support of our EOC Committee and volunteers Davyd Wong, Chantal Chung, Anne Cheng and the Community Participation Funding Programme on Equal Opportunities of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

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Pro Bono HK Ltd is a tax-exempt charity in Hong Kong under section 88 of the Inland
Revenue Ordinance (File No. 91/17791). Our mission is to empower the impoverished, the
distressed and the vulnerable in our community through the exercise of their legal rights.
We rely on the generosity of volunteers and donors to deliver our services to those in need.
Your support is gratefully received.


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